5 Ways Drinking Water Improves Your Health & Wellness

5 Ways Drinking Water Improves Your Health & Wellness by Chef K.T. Murphy Your brain is 90% water, your blood is over 80% water, and your bones are over 50% water. And that’s not even taking into account all the cells, tissues, muscles and organs. Water really is the miracle drink. You can’t go wrong…

The Benefits Of Choosing Organic Coffee

The Benefits Of Choosing Organic Coffee by Chef K.T. Murphy People the world over crave coffee to start their day, giving them an added boost. For the most part, many of us are simply looking to be energized as quickly as possible for the work day ahead and don’t really pay attention to whether the…

Four Small Diet Tweaks for Success

By Chef K.T. Murphy It is your responsibility as the food provider in the home to teach your family how to eat healthy. One by setting the example as the leader. It is always hard to make changes but, When discussing diet changes, one mistake many people make is deciding to change their whole diet…

8 Habits That Sustain Good Health

By Chef K.T. Murphy Maintaining a healthy eating habit requires planning and consciously making the decision to opt for healthier options. However, just making one change in your daily diet, like eating more fruits and vegetables, will make a big difference in the long run. After once you’ve mastered one habit, change another in your…

Really Hungry Or Is It Psychological?

by Chef K.T. Murphy Are you like me, and hungry all the time? I absolutely used to hate being hungry all the time. It felt like no matter what I did I never got enough to eat. There was nothing I could do to fill up my belly. This ended up with me getting a…

Can Juicing Helps Your Diet

By Chef K.T. Murphy If you’ve never considered juicing before, you’re honestly missing out on an easy way to improve your health. This is especially true if you’ve been struggling to make amends to your diet, or if you feel you could do better to get real nutrition. have 5 booklets with recipes and a…

Is Watercress: Nature’s Perfect Food ?

By Chef Murph If you’re like most people, you may not be as familiar with watercress as you are with other vegetables. Watercress is a leafy green vegetable that grows very rapidly throughout Europe and Asia. It is botanically related to other plants such as the radish, mustard greens, and wasabi. This endows watercress with…

Exercise, How Much To Lose Weight?

by Chef Murph K.T. Weight loss is a goal that requires both a disciplined dietary approach and exercise, among other factors, to achieve and excel. How much exercise is needed every day to achieve your weight loss goal is a common question and not one that generally has a clear answer. Unfortunately, there is not…

How Much Water Should I be Drinking???

How much water should you be drinking to be healthy? Take your current weight and divide by two. Take that number of ounces you should be drinking a day. So if you weigh 130 pounds, you should drink 65 ounces of water a day. Let’s Get Real!!! You weigh in at 300LBS / 2 =150oz of water…

How to make Vitamin Infused Water without Juicing

By Chef K.T. Murphy It’s clear, odorless, and tasteless, but life cannot exist without it. Water keeps us alive. It keeps our cells hydrated and plump. It also flushes out toxins to naturally cleanse our insides. There are times when drinking it gets redundant and boring. Instead of buying vitamin water, flavored sparkling water or…

5 Ways Drinking Water Improves Your Health & Wellness

By Chef Murph K.T. Your brain is 90% water, your blood is over 80% water, and your bones are over 50% water. And that’s not even taking into account all the cells, tissues, muscles and organs. Water really is the miracle drink. You can’t go wrong with water. It helps cleanse the body from harmful…