Japanese Salad.

Cut some celery, apples, and truffles into fine shreds and mix with chrysanthemum flowers; season with salt and pepper. Put in a salad bowl and cover with a mayonnaise grainy mustard dressing. Garnish with chopped hard-boiled eggs and olives. Have added sardines minced with this salad. Enjoy      

Japanese Eggs.

Cook some rice in a rich chicken stock; place on a platter. Fry 6 eggs and trim neatly; sprinkle with salt, black pepper, chopped parsley and lemon-juice. Put the eggs on the rice and pour a little hot tomato-sauce over the base of the platter and serve.

Oriental Canapes.

Take some lobster or crab-meat and pound in a mortar. Mix with 1 tablespoonful of butter; season with salt and pepper, a pinch each of mustard, cayenne, nutmeg and curry-powder and moisten with lemon-juice. Cut small rounds of toasted bread; scoop out some of the centre; fill with the mixture and cover with a curry…