Dutch Potato Filling

Ingredients: 6 potatoes, boiled and mashed 1 egg beaten, ( added to the mashed potatoes ) 1/4 c. each sauteed onion and celery added to the mashed potatoes 6 pieces of cubed bread ( any kind ) mixed in with the potatoes. Instructions: Bake at 350 deg. for 30 min. or until browned on top….

Dutch Sweet Potato Puff.

Peel and boil 3 sweet potatoes in salted water until tender; then mash well with 3 beaten yolks of eggs, 1 cup of milk, 3 tablespoonfuls of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, a pinch of nutmeg and lemon-juice. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt to a stiff froth; add to the potatoes and…

Dutch Stewed Fish.

Cook a fish of choice with 1 onion, 2 stalks of celery, parsley, a tablespoonful of butter, salt and pepper until done. Remove fish to a platter. Add 2 chopped pickles, the juice and rind of a lemon, 1/2 cup of vinegar. Mash the yolks of 2 boiled eggs with 1 raw egg, a teaspoonful…

Dutch Baked Mackerel.

Place Take mackerel laying it in a buttered baking dish; sprinkle with pepper and chopped parsley. place sliced lemons over the top.  Cover with fried bread-crumbs and bits of butter, and moisten with 1/4 cup of cream. Then bake 350F until brown on top and serve hot with stewed tomatoes. Nice simple and easy dish…

Dutch Stuffed Potatoes.

Select fine smooth potatoes; cut off the end of each and scrape out the inside. Mix this with chopped ham, onion and parsley, and a tablespoonful of butter. Season with salt, pepper and lemon-juice. Fill the potato with the mixture and let bake in a moderate oven until tender and serve hot. This is so…

Dutch Eggs.

Heat some butter in a pan; then break in as many eggs as needed andfry them; add some sliced onions. Remove the eggs to a platter; arrange the onions on the eggs; sprinkle with salt and red pepper and pour over some lemon-juice. Serve as hot as possible on toast.