Heart Disease Prevention Is Possible

Heart Disease Prevention Is Possible\ by Chef Murph While it’s true that heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the US for both women and men, it’s also true that you have some control over certain risk factors that lead up to heart disease, even reverse some of the symptoms if they’re caught…

30 Healthy Cooking Tips For Weight Loss

30 Healthy Cooking Tips By Chef K.T. Murphy We all know a lot of your eating habits were probably shaped in your childhood. So, if you grew up in a home where you commonly ate fried foods, fast foods, and red meat then there’s a good chance that’s the style of cooking you use and…

The Complete Clean Eating Guide

The Complete Clean Eating Guide By Chef K.T. Murphy Free Download, I wanted to put all my thoughts in to one book to summary to tie it all together. Screw dieting! Here is the simple formula. Eat healthy no processed foods. Burn more then what you take in. That is the hard part! If you…

Your Whole Food Shopping List

Your Whole Food Shopping List By Chef K.T. Murphy Free Download, Made a list to assist you while in the grocery store to Eat Clean to be healthier. Hope it helps with you achieving your every day goals. All the best Chef Murph

Herbs, Remedies for Common Ailments (Book)

By Chef K.T. Murphy Free Download, includes 21 home remedies and 26 natural pain killers. We like to take a pill for that what ail us. Not caring what it will do to us. maybe we need to get simpler. Maybe, if we add some simple things to our grocery list. Could make us healthier…

Herbs For Achieving Better Health (Book)

By Chef K.T. Murphy Free Download, Just imagine if we went back to whole food eating… That cat is out of that bag with our kids eating pink substances from a lab that is deep fried and called chicken nuggets but they won’t eat chicken off the bone. HELLO !!! What if , we added…

Not, All Calories Are Created Equal?

Not, All Calories Are Created Equal? Chef K.T. Murphy Interestingly, the calories your body takes in may not be the same as the calories your body uses. A 2500 calorie per day diet may cause some people to gain weight, while a 2500 calorie per day diet consisting of different foods may cause no weight…

What Are B Vitamins

What Are B Vitamins by Chef K.T. Murphy Why a chef talking about B Vitamins? As a Chef , I look at food like my motto says Good Food Makes For better Decision. I have studied food not just how to prepare it by what it takes to keep a body healthy Completed Nutrition at…

Why Is Adequate Vitamin Intake So Important

Why Is Adequate Vitamin Intake So Important By Chef K.T. Murphy Performing a plethora of roles to maintain good health and development, vitamins are essential nutrients that we can’t live without. Yet there are so many that perform wonders without our even actually being aware of it, until we don’t get sufficient amounts and problem…

Studies Show Coffee Drinkers Live Longer

Studies Show Coffee Drinkers Live Longer By Chef K.T. Murphy News flash: It is now known well that coffee is a super beverage that is extremely beneficial to health. It is not merely a flavorful drink. It is fortified with tons of natural nutrients and antioxidants, and it has been shown to have positive effects…

Zumba: Keeping People Fit Years After Its Inception

Zumba: Keeping People Fit Years After Its Inception by Chef K.T. Murphy Started a Zumba class for beginners, don’t laugh too hard.  Working on my new year’s goal of breaking 100 pounds. Trying to give you the tools without focusing on my objectives as I am educating myself to be healthier. There are many choices…

Vitamin K2: The Missing Nutrient For Heart And Bone Health 

Vitamin K2: The Missing Nutrient For Heart And Bone Health.  by Chef K.T. Murphy Most people have heard about vitamin K but few know that it comes in two forms: Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins that researchers are finding out is great for your bone health and for…

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Health

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Health By Chef K.T. Murphy We’re so used to things not going our way that we protect ourselves by ruining things for ourselves before they get ruined by others. Many times those who sabotage their health are driven by unconscious reasons but justify it via mindful means. Simply put, we screw…

The Benefits Of Choosing Organic Coffee

The Benefits Of Choosing Organic Coffee by Chef K.T. Murphy People the world over crave coffee to start their day, giving them an added boost. For the most part, many of us are simply looking to be energized as quickly as possible for the work day ahead and don’t really pay attention to whether the…