Your Food 101 & GMO’s

GMOs are animals and plants who have been genetically altered. They are modified so that our crops and more resistant to pests, weeds, and any other diseases that typically threaten them. They tend to have a longer life, travel well, and in many cases reduce the cost of the product, too. It’s common for GMOs…

Irish Baked Potatoes

Global Recipe of the Day Peel and boil potatoes in salted water until tender; drain and mash with a lump of butter. Put in a well-buttered baking dish a layer of the potatoes and a layer of fried breadcrumbs until the dish is full. Moisten with beaten eggs, well seasoned with salt and pepper, and 3tablespoonfuls…

Global Recipe of the Day Haggis (SCOTISH)

By Chef Murph A traditional Scottish haggis made with sheep offal is illegal in both Canada and the United States. Getty Images Sheep liver heart and lungs hopped fine 2 pounds of bacon 1.inch squares. Add 2 large chopped onions; season with 1/4 teaspoonful of red pepper and 1 teaspoonful of mixed herbs and salt…

Global Recipe of the Day — Italian Sugar Cakes

Good Day! Here is a delicious sugar cake recipe for you to try: Beat 1 1/2 pounds of sugar and 1/2 pound of butter to a cream; add 4 egg yolks and a pinch each of salt and nutmeg. Stir in 1/2 pound of flour, 4 ounces of currants, 2 ounces of chopped almonds, 1…

Global Recipe of the Day — Spanish Mushrooms

by Chef Murph Good Day! Here is a delicious Spanish recipe for you to try on this gorgeous Tuesday: Drain 1 can of mushrooms and heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter. Add 6 shallots and 1 clove of garlic– chopped fine, some parsley, thyme, and the mushrooms. Let all fry a few minutes; Add 2 tablespoonfuls…

Global Recipe of the Day, Bombay Spinach

Boil the spinach in salted water until tender; drain and chop fine. Fry 1 chopped onion in 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; add the chopped spinach, a pinch of pepper and curry powder. Cover and let simmer five minutes. Serve on a platter with stewed prawns and garnish with croutons. Enjoy! XoxoX Chef Murph Come check…

Global Recipe of the Day Berlin Herring Salad

Soak the herring overnight; remove the milch and mash fine. Cut off the head, skin, and bone; chop the herring; add chopped apples, pickles, potatoes, olives, and capers. Put in the salad bowl; then add the yolk of a hard-boiled egg to the mashed milch, mustard, 1 teaspoonful of sugar mixed with 1/4 cup of…

Global Recipe of the Day. Polish Roast Mutton

Season a leg of mutton with salt, pepper, and a pinch of cloves. Lay in a baking pan with 1 sliced onion, 2 celery roots, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 carrots cut fine, 1 bay leaf, a sprig of thyme, and a few peppercorns. Pour in 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of hot…

10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

I write this for reason the mother of my children has for the last year has had multi number of surgery’s with stones the size of golf balls and tubes out her back etc… Our kidneys are very important to us. They not only detoxify the body and filter out impure substances from the body but…

Best Whole Foods for Nutrients

by Chef Murph Your grandmother and you mother will be happy that their old-fashioned notions of what is good, nutritious food is now making a grand comeback. Yes, the food your parents and grandparents used to foist on you when you were a kid – they were the right kinds of food for you after…

How to Scale a Recipe for a Different Number of Portions

You’ve got family coming over and your favorite beef stew recipe serves 4, but you’ve got 7 people coming. What are you going to do? One option is to scale the recipe, so you can serve more people, but it’s not always as straightforward as it seems. Here are some tips to make your recipe…

Tips for Cooking for Two

It never fails. You find a recipe you’d love to try, but the portions are too big or you buy so many groceries, the two of you couldn’t possibly eat them all. Outside of inviting the whole neighbourhood over to eat, here are some handy tips for cooking for two. Have a Plan Planning isn’t…

Global Fusion Americana E-Series

by Chef Murph Just Finished the 102 Tips and Techniques to cooking like a chef, 1st in part of my free 18-book E-Series Global Fusion Americana, by emailing, I will send them out each day. Gluten Free Grilling should be out next week. Thanks for the recipes and tips. Thanks Chef Murph